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Re: [avrdude-dev] Avrdude Gui problem

From: Dave N6NZ
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Avrdude Gui problem
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:24:54 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)

Mike Perks wrote:
Dave N6NZ wrote:
Is it simply the matter of finding the right command line options?
Yes. One of the reasons I would like to contribute to this effort (assuming it is organized appropriately) is that I always have to refer to the AVRDude documentation to remember the command line options.
Well, I never remember them either. I stuff them into a makefile and promptly forget until I need to create another makefile.

Part of good user interface design is to first examine your users and come up with come user roles (some people call them persona). So actually you ask a good question - what kind of people use AVRDude and how do they use it? With a bit more time I could write up a 2 or 3 persona profiles for the different users of AVRDude(-Gui) if people are interested.
That's exactly why I'm asking. Before going off to write some code, I think we all need to know what problem we're solving. I'm not asking because I'm opposed to gui's... I'm opposed to spending time writing code that is either not needed or doesn't solve the real problem.

Persona profiles is exactly what we need.


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