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[aspell-devel] Add and Remove Word Lists

From: Gary Setter
Subject: [aspell-devel] Add and Remove Word Lists
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 08:21:42 -0600


I want to make a dialog for adding and removing word lists from
the dictionary. Adding a list would involve compiling it and
adding the compiled name to the configured master dictionary,
which I assume will be a multi dictionary. Removing a word list,
would involve removing the compiled file name from the word list.

Typically in this situation, I make two list boxes with availed
on items on one side and in use items on the other and two
buttons in the middle to move the selected items from side to

The word list problem is special in that the item name changes
when you compile it. Further, the directory of the source word
list is lost. So there is a lose of continuity when the user
compare what is available (word lists in the source dir) with
what is in use (compiled dictionaries in dict-dir).

I'm thinking of this, put the path of the source file in the
multi file after compiled name as a comment. The paths of the
source files would go in the in use list and would be removed
from the available list.

# Generated with Aspell Dicts "proc" script version 0.50.1
#strip-accents true
add english-words_10.rws # source
add english-words_20.rws # source
add english-words_35.rws # source

I'm interested in what people think of this idea.

Best regards,

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