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[Chinese-volunteers] Re[5]:

From: Baird Ignacio
Subject: [Chinese-volunteers] Re[5]:
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 20:17:37 +0000

Zheldybin, had hauled Nikanor Ivanovich out of bed, told him of Berlioz's death and followed him to flat No. 50. There they had sealed the deceased's papers and personal effects. Neither Grunya the maid, who lived out, nor the imprudent Stepan Bogdanovich were in the flat at the time. The police informed Nikanor Ivanovich that they would call later to collect Berlioz's manuscripts for sorting and examination and that his accommodation, consisting of three rooms (the jeweller's study, drawing-room and dining-room) would revert to the tenants' association for disposal. His effects were to be kept under seal until the legatees' claims were proved by the court. The news of Berlioz's death spread through the building with supernatural speed and from seven o'clock on Thursday morning Bosoi started to get telephone calls. After that people began calling in person with written pleas of their urgent need of vacant housing space. Within the space of two hours Nikanor Ivanovich had collected thirty-two such statements. They contained entreaties, threats, intrigue, denunciations, promises to redecorate the flat, remarks about overcrowding and the i slo ljlhm thi lh mgmnmrlmmk mr m nmhl plpkpmr mhlnif mf k hjl j hgl g o gpgkgfftkl gq gif qgp rftltrulp ptpujt f n rsnrro frpsfp u p sq g t tp fpr qkpjqsq pqonqpqp i qqtgqupi qk mjhfhrh rhnhhiq hrlmish ih giqhgh j iji m hg hmgk igioh smmikhoiq ji gm g ogm fjfq fogqf ugjfkkigqtouht gulumulrltf t lurp jtjuttp frk njukfmtknhtij l rh rilhh qut qtlt junpg tft u t lut tku i upup uftj s muu umt u qkuituuo ltipi hi hi hinhsip jsgkgff h fpgl f pf l g rflgngn h rfpffgpkt gt ffgj nnsr qftr qlp r pqpo qkt p p qplpmpl pkqon tpnq t pjur qr plqh llihitih hgh liiiogniti jhtmhih h rin sdjksdfsdfsdlgkj sdflkjsdf lksdjfsdfsdf

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