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Re: [Tsp-devel] TSP GoogleEarth Writer

From: Yves DUF
Subject: Re: [Tsp-devel] TSP GoogleEarth Writer
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:40:42 +0100

Hi all.

Thanks for all you comments, but there is something I don't understand in the NetworkLink Concept

2007/3/13, Stephane GALLES < address@hidden>:
>>From what I could understand, your KML file needs to be static, but you
> can have NetworkLink tags at will, and these tags can get their content
> from a CGI script running on whatever webserver. So basically, that seems
> doable:
> |KML file| -> |NeworkLink| <-refresh KML content-> |CGI script / TSP consumer| -> |TSP provider|
If I generate a cyclically new KML files, I don't see how GoogleEarth will update the trajectory WHILE I'm running the old one
I can be in the middle of the old trajectory, or at the end, and I want GoogleEarth to add the new trajectory plots in the same path, and continue the trip without rewinding to the beginning.

I don't know anything about NetworkLink, but if the scheme you describe
works, instead of a CGI script it could be even easier to do this with
the Ruby TSP lib + Ruby on Rails for the web page  ;)

Why not,  but  I think it's quite heavy (either CGI or Ruby)  to need a web serveur just to plot trajectory in GoogleEarth from a remote provider. Of course I can imagine the webserver on the provider, but isn't it a bazooka to kill a fly ?

> Regards,
> Frederik

I add the output.kml file I generated, in order to explain what I want. 
Maybe Eric's idea with GPS interaction inside GoogleEarth could be possible too.

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Attachment: outfile.kml
Description: application/vnd.google-earth.kml

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