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[Tsp-devel] TSP GoogleEarth Writer

From: Yves DUF
Subject: [Tsp-devel] TSP GoogleEarth Writer
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:43:29 +0100

Hi folks.

I had a marvellous (I'm often very modest) idea for TSP :
- Google Earth is perfect for a low cost realistic display.
- KML files in GoogleEarth allow to play and replay paths.
- TSP is perfect to distribute in a portable way any trajectory (Satellite, Aircraft, ...)
So what about use the open source power to link any TSP Provider with the KML trajectory files of GoogleEarth ?

I've tried it, and it more or less a failure :
The KML files used to describe the path need to be finished and complete (XML tags must be closed) .
So I can convert a plane trajectory and give it to GoogleEarth, but I can use it as a real_time display.

And as it's not real-time, I'm not interested to continue that idea.
I give it to you, with the small java code used to generate a fake KML file

If someone knows how to plug real-time trajectory to GoogeEarth or want to go farther, please feel free to do it.


Un autre monde est possible,
il suffit juste qu'on s'y mette tous !

Attachment: GoogleWriter.java
Description: Binary data

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