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[Savannah-dev] Re: Merging GNU Savannah and the CERN branch

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: [Savannah-dev] Re: Merging GNU Savannah and the CERN branch
Date: 04 Sep 2003 13:34:32 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Marcus Hardt <address@hidden> a tapoté :

> Hi!
> The database removing/renaming/adding seems a serious step to me, which 
> should 
> only be done once.
> At we added two extra tables to the database which I'd like 
> to 
> find in the refurbished savannah once we start merging our branch.
> For the way we handle the subdirectories of CVS we need these entries in the 
> groups table:
> CREATE TABLE groups (
>   cvs_subdir varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
>   cvs_subdir_of varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
>   use_cvs_subdir int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
> }
> In case you plan to change the cvs handling itself I'd like to be involved in 
> the discussion

We will change the cvs handling itself because we'll add some modular
support for cvs/arch/subversions. We will surely not keep database
field with "cvs" within their name but names less specific.

Basically, we'll make a proposal for a new database structure, we'll
post it on that list and we hope to get your comments.

The new database will surely be incompatible with the previous one but
we'll write script to automate the update.

Plans common between GNU and CERN:
        - the bug tracker codebase will be the codebase for any
        - inclusion of the PAM support from CERN, removal of the
        Kerberos stuff (kerberos can use PAM)
        - each link on the top menu will be configurable by the
        projects leaders, as long as the whole system admin accepted
        it for a group type.
        - the user management will be slightly modified, in the spirit
        of the CERN work:
                - a user can propose himself for a project, the admin
                must approve him
                - a project admin can use a search tool to get a list
                of user he can add by selecting them on a list.
        - mailing list stuff will be modular like the cvs stuff.
                (function that determine whether you use mailman or
                majordomo or something

GNU plans:
        - mail interface to trackers with gpg

Please, list us what kind of database field you would like to see and
why (apart for the ones you already mentionned), and more generally on
which feature you plan to work that would require new fields/table.

Since there was a lack of communication between GNU and CERN, we would
like in the future to avoid any bad experience like that, being forced
to do a big merge. It means that modifications people made on Savannah
should never be on the codebase until they plan to commit them soon on
the GNU savannah CVS. Everything that need to be changed/implemented
must be done in a way to permit everyone to use the same CVS. Which
means that every specific stuff should only be in configuration parts.

Marcus, you're not member of the project if I'm not mistaken. If you
have to implement stuff on savannah and want to give it back to
project -- which is the more convenient way for you to benefit of the
progress of savannah, tell us what you plan to do. Once we agree on
what needs to be done in the better way for GNU savannah, we'll give
you CVS write access. 


Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

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