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Re: [ft] Modifying/Enhancing the Truetype Interpreter

From: Moony
Subject: Re: [ft] Modifying/Enhancing the Truetype Interpreter
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 22:09:47 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100330 Fedora/3.0.4-1.fc12 Thunderbird/3.0.4

Hi Werner,

Another thing I'm struggling with is how to detect whether points
have been touched in the non-freedom vector direction during
deltaps.  Do you have any insights into this, Werner?
Can you elaborate?  What do you want to achieve?

I think I've gotten past this problem by looking at other parts of the code. Essentially, I wanted to detect (based on the desription here: ) whether points had been touched in the Y direction. I figured out how to do this with: FT_CURVE_TAG_TOUCH_Y & CUR.pts.tags[point] == 0.

Also, I'm still having a hard time understanding the whole 1/16
pixel in the x direction.
What's do you mean with a `whole 1/16 pixel'?

Sorry, I'm using English colloquialisms. :) You can remove the "whole" part from my sentence. What I was struggling with was why it was necessary to split the grid into 16 pieces in the x direction, as opposed to simply /not rounding at all/. I'm still not sure why this is necessary, other than the possibility that this made sense to MS in how they implemented their TT interpreter code. The freetype code can just *ignore* this grid completely, as far as I can tell. Regardless, I put into my temporary patch a variable called "grid_factor", which lets you define what to use in the X direction- 1px, 1/2px, 1/16px, 1/32px, etc. I've gotten the best results with 1/32 of a pixel, which is really as far as the freetype code can go.

I have been working furiously on getting this patch working well with a variety of fonts. I have the patch to a point where it renders most legacy and CT fonts *very well* with subpixel hinting. All bolds and italics look great, and most roman fonts. There is still something that the MS interpreter does (that isn't documented in the whitepaper) to snap some stems to the grid. I can't figure out how to do that without ruining the glyphs though. (My guess is that they put lots of hard-code in place.) I have redesigned the patch so that it now doesn't ingore the x direction in the "move" functions but rather in the "round" functions, as stated in the whitepaper. This *does* produce better results I've found, but it required more conditionals on MIRPs and stuff. I can tell that MS must have hard-coded a bunch of things in their interpreter, like, "if font=verdana, always do DELTAP"... or "If function 72 is an inline delta, ignore it", etc. If I implement the patch as stated in the whitepaper, it breaks fonts.

I am in the process now of cleaning up the patch, but I will post it soon. I am completely open to criticism of it, and suggestions of improvement. There may be parts of it that are inefficient and not up to C coding standards, and I would welcome any suggestions on how to make it work the way you would like. My idea is to use #ifdefs to determine whether "grayscale" is enabled, and if so, to use the new method I've developed, otherwise, if grayscale is not enabled, do the old method that works well with bi-level rendering. Does this approach make sense to you? If not, what would you like to see?

Thank you!

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