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Re: [Freetype] Autohinting?

From: George Williams
Subject: Re: [Freetype] Autohinting?
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 09:32:38 -0700

look and feel more familiar. I miss a raw list of Glyphs in font, it's sometimes hard to browse hundrets of pages to find a glyph or to look in the Unicode book for the right character code.
What would you like a "raw list of Glyphs" to look like? I had thought the fontview provided that, but presumably I'm missing something. How should it be improved?

Some of the 'show glyph metrics in Glyph list'-features you can see in the DirectFB-example df_fonts could be a nice feature too -- they make it easy to spot bugs in fonts if you see all advances, bounding boxes, glyph origins on a single page.
You mean a text list of bounding boxes? or a more graphical thing... Perhaps you could send me a screen shot of what you have in mind?

A graphic list of all Kerning pairs would be nice too.
Yes, someone else was just asking me for that. You can always look at the afm file, but it's only got text...

Another great feature would be a scalable automatically layouted known long text to test a number of Glyph combinations directly in the font editor.
Does the metrics view not do this? Or are the letters too large and not long enough? You can also send a print sample to ghostview. Do you just want a textarea displayed in the current font?

The bytecode editor is still not available in the pfaedit realease I use, but I've seen some preliminary screenshots of it. So this feature seems to be in the pipeline.
It is in the pipeline, but it's going very slowly. It's a seperate program from PfaEdit, and I keep getting distracted from it to work on PfaEdit itself. Eventually it will get there...

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