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[Freetype] Freetype design strategy?

From: Jeremy
Subject: [Freetype] Freetype design strategy?
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:18:51 +0800

I have an application where I am required to render a number of different
font faces on a screen and within those faces I have to rotate individual
glyphs to different angles.  The same glyph may be drawn on the screen at
different rotations.

The application is screen based so I need to be able to draw many
individually rotated glyphs with minimal delay.

To give an example of the numbers, I may have 4 or 5 different faces/point
sizes simultaneously displayed.  With One or two of the faces/sizes I will
be required to draw hundreds of glyphs at continuously varying rotations.

I am unclear as to what is the best software design strategy for this.

How many objects and of what sort should I maintain to efficiently hold/draw
the glyphs and allow efficient caching?  I have a small leeway with memory,
so a megabyte or two of storage can be allocated.


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