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Re: [Erw-devel] A few items .. and a sample make script

From: erw-devel
Subject: Re: [Erw-devel] A few items .. and a sample make script
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 02:15:48 -0500 (EST)

The lsr example clarifies quite a few points just touched on in
the documentation. On to further experiments :)

FYI - I made a trivial in my top directory so I can quickly drop
and recreate the schema as I experiment.

Here is in its entirety for others (you need to createthe forms
and defs directories under the directory at first where you are working.
In my case - Fedora Core 3 I used /var/www/html/lsr which was just a cp -r
of the example/lsr in the tarball. Probably obvious to most, but oh well -
it's here anyway. Put this in the /var/www/html/lsr directory and run it.

-- snip --
#!/bin/bash -x

export ERWFILE=lsr.xml

yes | mysqladmin drop lsr
mysqladmin create lsr
echo 'grant all  on lsr.* to address@hidden identified by "lsr" with grant 
option;' | mysql
ertool --sql < ${ERWFILE} | mysql lsr -u lsr --password=lsr
rm -f defs/*
cd defs
yes | ertool --defs < ../${ERWFILE}
cd -
rm -f forms/*
cd forms
yes | ertool --default-forms < ../${ERWFILE}
cd -
--- snip ---

Mille grazie!


On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 address@hidden wrote:

> On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 16:32 -0500, address@hidden wrote:
> >
> > I notice that some of the pieces of the erw tarball are broken because
> > they refer to symlinked locations (lsr examples for sure) in 1.0.8 and
> > 1.0.8c.
> >
> > Also - looking for working example erw files or snippets of :
> > fsetref (I'd like to store original filename of uploaded file)
> >
> > An example of enabling jscalendar/htmlarea/fckeditor - i see no references
> > in the latest DTD that will permit me to add this mode in the ERWs.
> All my faults. I'm always in a hurry.
> The symlinks have been fixed in 1.0.9--just released. ha, fa and jd have
> been added to the ERW types available in ERF.
> I don't think there is any way, presently, of storing the original file
> name. It is an interesting point (if not else, for giving optionally
> that name to the downloaded files). You must tweak the sources of
> sendfile.php and update.php...
> --
> Ciao,
>                                         seba
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> Erw-devel mailing list
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