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Re: [Pnet-developers] ScrollBar suggestions

From: Rich Baumann
Subject: Re: [Pnet-developers] ScrollBar suggestions
Date: 14 Aug 2003 00:09:33 -0400

On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 22:56, j_post wrote:
> 1) When a mouse button is held down on an adjustment, the scroll bar begins 
> automatic updates without any delay. The user has to click and release the 
> adjustor very quickly to avoid multiple adjustments. There should be a short 
> delay before automatic timer updates to the scroll bar begin.

OK, that's b/c there's only one timer-based method used for each
auto-update. Adding a second timer and method that is called on the
first click, and has the other called on subsequent clicks, would do
what you want. I don't see any difference, however, with what I did and
the windows-style behavior (I haven't used windows in a long while
though, so I could be wrong).

> 2) The arrow key adjustments to scroll bars seem counter-intuitive to me. 
> Shouldn't the up arrow key cause the bar to move up instead of down? And 
> HScrollBar should respond to left/right arrow keys, not up/down arrow keys.

Yes, left/right vs. up/down should be handled, based on the value of the
"vertical" field, in the OnKey* methods. The same changes may need to be
made for pgup/pgdown too. The key events weren't working in the toolkit
when I implemented them so I must've reversed which method gets called
on which key accidentally; feel free to fix it.

> 3) If the user clicks a mouse button within the scrollbar, and holds it down, 
> the automatic adjustment will not stop where the mouse cursor is, but will 
> continue all the way to the end. Seems to me it should stop where the mouse 
> cursor is, and allow dragging of the control if the mouse button is still 
> held down after that.

I don't see how that's compatible with the windows behavior. As far as I
can recall, clicking on the track makes large scroll jumps until the
scroll bar reaches the end of the track or the mouse button is released,
and the scroll bar is not "grabbed" by the mouse as it passes under the

> Is anyone now working on ScrollBar.cs?
> If no one objects, I'd like to implement these modifications.

I'm busy with pnetC at the moment, so go ahead and fix whatever needs
fixing, but please check what you're doing against the windows behavior
to make sure you don't create inconsistencies. Our winforms needs to
behave the same as the MS one does.


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