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Re: [Demexp-dev] A comment on Drupal interface used for votes

From: David MENTRE
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] A comment on Drupal interface used for votes
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 14:17:30 +0200


2006/10/9, Augustin <address@hidden>:
I cannot use your interface because I always get an error. If I try to get a
question, I always get:
  Failure("ds_scan_token 13")

Oh weird. I've never seen this error before. It would be interesting
to get a capture of the network trafic with Wireshark to debug this.

I don't know how to achieve this in HTML, WITHOUT having to reload the page
after each choice is made (which will put an additional strain on the

Yes, you have to reload an HTML page each time button is clicked. I'm
not sure that puts so much load on the server.

Do you remember that I coded a phpBB MOD for Condorcet?
I thought a lot about html-only ballot design, at that time.


I have a much better design that I can use, but it would require a change on
the server...
... or maybe not... but it requires much more coding from me.
... but this is a less urgent issue. I'll do it in stage one, only if I'm
ready much earlier than you, otherwise it can wait stage 2.

Well, there are other bugs but I count this as a bug. :-)

Best wishes,

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