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[certi-dev] Debug library names

From: Gotthard, Petr
Subject: [certi-dev] Debug library names
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 10:32:11 +0100

Hello everyone,

Currently the CERTI Debug and Release libraries have the same name (e.g. libRTI-NG.dll). This may cause confusion and troubles if you want to use both Debug and Release, or when you erroneously distribute the wrong library. For example, to solve this problem the MAK RTI uses the “d” suffix to distinguish the Debug libraries (e.g. libRTI-NGd.dll).


I suggest and ask everyone if you don’t mind adding the “d” suffix to CERTI Debug libraries, i.e. to have the standard names for Release (libRTI-NG, libFedTime) and to have “d” suffix (libRTI-NGd and libFedTimed) for the Debug target.


Technically, I suggest to use the following

SET(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX “d” CACHE STRING “add a postfix, usually d on windows)


What do you think?






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