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Re: [Anarchdb-devel] Re: database layout questions?

From: Francois Gombault
Subject: Re: [Anarchdb-devel] Re: database layout questions?
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 17:02:04 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050929)

Karl George Schaefer wrote:
Well, I see no other reason to create a ARDB release than the new set. Those of us coming to the project are really to unfamiliar with the code to hope for more than that. Given that, I'd like to make sure we work hard to "fix what LSJ breaks." Given the code is self-expanding for disciplines and clans (thank you Francois), we *should* have little work to do. Well, we can hope.

You're right. For now, your priorities probably are :

1. Have a working, reliable and documented build process as soon as possible. This includes packaging (zipping all files and stuff).

2. Fix any obvious bugs thereafter. I'll give you my best guesses on what to look for in the code, and help you get familiar with it. Deadline: the week before NoR.

3. Try to preemptively adapt ARDB to the new set by looking at the previews. Also nag LSJ about new features and ask some insider info (like the new CSV columns or format changes).

4. Nights of Reckoning comes out. Check that ARDB has the features to make use of it - New search filters, new icons, etc.

5. About a week after, the CSV files get updated by LSJ. Pray and try to import them. Enter Flurry of Bugfixes.

6. Package, upload and announce the new ARDB

Francois Gombault
BEWITCHED, DOES NOT PROMOTE SATANISM -- Bart Simpson on chalkboard

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