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wget2 | Floating Point Exception with Unknown-sized File (#674)

From: Pairman (@Pairman)
Subject: wget2 | Floating Point Exception with Unknown-sized File (#674)
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:05:17 +0000

Pairman created an issue: https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2/-/issues/674

When downloading from a URL a file whose size is unknown, wget2 will fail on 
start and throw "floating point exception":

$ wget --verbose 
                          [Fil]                      Floating point exception 
(core dumped)

The file is downloadable with wget1 or other tools (e.g. chrome or whatever 

This error is probably due to unknown file size being divided when calculating 
the progress percentage. Any URL like 
triggers this since all of them have unknown file size at download time.

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