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Re: [VM] & (.bugs) dropped from gnu.emacs hierarchy (a

From: Matthew Vernon
Subject: Re: [VM] & (.bugs) dropped from gnu.emacs hierarchy (again)
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 16:10:35 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.3 (gnu/linux)

address@hidden writes:

> Deprecated or not, it still would be nice to continue to have these
> groups that have been around for at least the past 25 years. I have no
> problem with any individual or developer choosing not to read or post
> to the list nor do I have a problem with the groups being "officially"
> deprecated (whatever that means) but in the spirit of collaboration, I
> don't see why such groups should be eliminated from the heirarchy
> since clearly some users continue to find such groups useful and
> helpful. Of course, there need not (and never are) guarantees that
> such posts will be responded to.
> Personally, I must say that I hate email lists because there is no
> good way (for me at least) to access past posts since I tend to either
> have to read them real time or delete them. The great thing about
> USENET is that the posts are always there... and even the lamest of
> providers continues to archive old posts for many months.

You can get the VM info list over USENET via, as
gmane.emacs.viewmail. Indeed, that's how I read this mailing list :-)



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