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Re: [Traverso-devel] importing left (right) channel only

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: Re: [Traverso-devel] importing left (right) channel only
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 19:37:36 +0200

Hello Paul,

You also can record from only the left input channel in the first track, and only the right channel in the second track, which might be much easier :)
See < B > (selecting a capture bus) which opens the bus selector dialog.

Right now you indeed need to pan the first track completely to the left, and the second to the right to have the same effect as if it was recorded as a stereo wav in one track.

Does anyone have an opinion how to better solve this ? Perhaps explicit routing of channels from one bus to another ?
Not sure if that will make things easier, hard panning to left/right might be as simple, and avoids problems when using stereo wave files in a track with mono wave files, and using the routing....
Hopefully you got the idea :)

Oh, and I've also been thinking to add sometime in the future a split track action, which essentially does what you want to do now, but much simpler!
< X > on a track ?



2007/4/28, Paul Thomas <address@hidden>:
Good morning,
I understand that when recording a stereo input, Traverso creates two .wav files in the "audio sources" directory, one *_ch0  and one *_ch1 for the left and right channels.
I would like to import those mono files in two stero tracks, one on the left channel of the first track and the other one on the right channel of the second track. So I can rebalance easily or apply different effects to each side.
It seems to me that importing a mono file results in having a mono track. Therefore, importing the two *_ch(i) files into seperate tracks does not allow rebalancing, instead everything becomes mono.
Am I wrong, what can Traverso do for me :) ?

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