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Re: [Tlf-devel] Xtlf-1.0.2beta is out, now incl. the iaru hf test

From: David Quental
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Xtlf-1.0.2beta is out, now incl. the iaru hf test
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 23:30:19 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060516)

Hello Rein,

tks again for all.
Hi David,

I uploaded the wrong file... Has been corrected now. (sometimes I am too
quick hi...). Sorry about the hassle, you will have to download again.

No problem at all, things like this could happen to everybody, so do not be in worry about it :) :) .

By the way, it is a bit out-time but about 2 or 3 hours to start WPX I saw that rules were no fine, or maybe I saw it bad. I am not so sure but contacts to dx stations on 40/80/160 were 6 points and in your rule file has nothing about it, so am I wrong or not??? Most probably I am wrong, but can you see WPX rule file and compare to WPX rules for 2006???

Rein PA0R

Best regards and till next time.

David Quental

On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 21:19 +0100, David Quental wrote:

first of all tks for all your work.
I have repackaged Xtlf into 1 package, I think that is easier for the
maintainers of various distro's.

The new archive (xtlf-1.0.2beta.tar.gz) can be downloaded from

Are you sure that is the right file????
The archive now contains an '' script which copies the stuff
to the right destination(s).

The binary script will be /usr/bin/xtlf.
The scoring directory is in /usr/share/xtlf
The rules directory is /usr/share/xtlf/scoring/rules

You don't need to start from the ~/xtlf directory anymore.

I got file, then I install it but do not find a '' file, am I right or not???
If not present, the config information is copied to ~/.xtlf where you
will also find the qso.log file, the cty.dat and the callmaster info.

I managed to add the iaru hf contest (july 8-9), so you have plenty of
time testing..., I also fixed the cabrillo output for the iaru test.
A 'NEW ITU ZONE' announcement has been added to the call check function.

Load the contest rules via the 'contest' menu. You have to restart after
changing the rules (new rules, new game :).

Hope you like it,

Rein PA0R

Again, tks for all your work and till next email.

David Quental

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