On 17. Mar 2020, at 16:15, Darcy Shen via Texmacs-dev <address@hidden> wrote:
Sorry, for the late reply. Working at home spends me more time on work and I
have less personal time than usual.
## My Opinion
Currently, no active students contacted me to join the Summer of Code.
I hope there are self-motivated students. It would be better if they are more
interested in TeXmacs itself than GSoC.
If there are students who join the development of GNU TeXmacs actively, I'd
like to propose some ideas.
## Ideas prepared for GSoC 2019
Last year, I wrote some ideas on Github:
I didn't realize that we should submit our ideas to the GNU umbrella GSoC last
On 2020/3/6 下午11:11, Massimiliano Gubinelli via Texmacs-dev wrote:
What about this?
Darcy, are you willing to propose some projects to be presented under the GNU
umbrella GSoC?
On 23. Feb 2020, at 06:55, TeXmacs <address@hidden> wrote:
For your information. --Joris
----- Forwarded message from "Jose E. Marchesi" <address@hidden> -----
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 18:06:13 +0100
From: "Jose E. Marchesi" <address@hidden>
Subject: [gnu-prog-discuss] GSoC 2020: The GNU Project has been accepted as a
mentor organization!
Hi people!
Google just notified us that the GNU Project has been, once again,
accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2020.
Note that Google won't make the list of accepted projects public until
today February 20 at 19:00 CET, but we shall be ready in order to start
getting requests from interested students.
So, please be on the ready :)
Also, please note that it is still possible for more GNU programs to
participate under the GNU umbrella: just send us ideas to
address@hidden (for each idea/project, include a paragraph
describing it, skills required, and a contact address for interested
students) and we will add them to our ideas page.
----- End forwarded message -----
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