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Re: [Texmacs-dev] [address@hidden: [gnu-prog-discuss] GSoC 2020: The GNU
From: |
Massimiliano Gubinelli |
Subject: |
Re: [Texmacs-dev] [address@hidden: [gnu-prog-discuss] GSoC 2020: The GNU Project has been accepted as a mentor organization!] |
Date: |
Tue, 17 Mar 2020 16:36:48 +0100 |
The plans seems good to me.
Maybe you can foward them to GNU to include in the GSoC campain
Some remarks/improvements/suggestions:
1) bibliographic tools: connection with Zotero would be nice to have. I
personally use it and is a free bibliographic tool with a wide user base.
2) Port to scheme 2-3 is done :) I'm doing the last tuning but essentially
(from yesterday) I have a version of TeXmacs which works with Guile 3 both in
interpreted and compiled mode. So I would remove this from the tasks.
3) It would be very important to us to have a nice and polished interface to
jupyter kernels. So this task can be made more prominent. You can hint to the
fact that we have already a bare-bones jupyter client plugin.
4) GUI. Qt5 port is almost ready, we wait Joris to release TeXmacs 2.1. Here I
see the possibility to develop other ports like to Cocoa or a native Windows
port. More generally would be interesting to have a common way to interface
TeXmacs with modern GUI APIs.
5) An Haiku port of TeXmacs. www.haiku-os.com is a very intersting operating
system and also on GSoC this year.
6) Write documentation/ tutorials.
7) A nice feature to have is a preview on links: when the cursor hovers a link
a window is opened which renders a portion of area around the place the link
points to. It is useful to check references/
8) In general references in TeXmacs could have some love: we lack now the
ability to search for all occurences of a reference or replace them. This could
be improved.
Best Max
> On 17. Mar 2020, at 16:15, Darcy Shen via Texmacs-dev <address@hidden> wrote:
> Sorry, for the late reply. Working at home spends me more time on work and I
> have less personal time than usual.
> ## My Opinion
> Currently, no active students contacted me to join the Summer of Code.
> I hope there are self-motivated students. It would be better if they are more
> interested in TeXmacs itself than GSoC.
> If there are students who join the development of GNU TeXmacs actively, I'd
> like to propose some ideas.
> ## Ideas prepared for GSoC 2019
> Last year, I wrote some ideas on Github:
> https://github.com/texmacs/tsoc/blob/master/docs/GSoC2019.md
> I didn't realize that we should submit our ideas to the GNU umbrella GSoC
> last year.
> On 2020/3/6 下午11:11, Massimiliano Gubinelli via Texmacs-dev wrote:
>> What about this?
>> Darcy, are you willing to propose some projects to be presented under the
>> GNU umbrella GSoC?
>> Max
>>> On 23. Feb 2020, at 06:55, TeXmacs <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> For your information. --Joris
>>> ----- Forwarded message from "Jose E. Marchesi" <address@hidden> -----
>>> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 18:06:13 +0100
>>> From: "Jose E. Marchesi" <address@hidden>
>>> Subject: [gnu-prog-discuss] GSoC 2020: The GNU Project has been accepted as
>>> a mentor organization!
>>> Hi people!
>>> Google just notified us that the GNU Project has been, once again,
>>> accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2020.
>>> Note that Google won't make the list of accepted projects public until
>>> today February 20 at 19:00 CET, but we shall be ready in order to start
>>> getting requests from interested students.
>>> So, please be on the ready :)
>>> Also, please note that it is still possible for more GNU programs to
>>> participate under the GNU umbrella: just send us ideas to
>>> address@hidden (for each idea/project, include a paragraph
>>> describing it, skills required, and a contact address for interested
>>> students) and we will add them to our ideas page.
>>> Salud!
>>> ----- End forwarded message -----
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