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Work in progress collaboration repository set up on Github.

From: Luke Yelavich
Subject: Work in progress collaboration repository set up on Github.
Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 13:12:26 +1000

Hey folks.
To better help with collaboration and development, I have set up a work in 
progress git repository for Speech Dispatcher on github. This repository will 
be used to collaboratively develope new functionality that will eventually land 
in Speech Dispatcher master.

This repository will not mirror the master Speech Dispatcher repository. Indeed 
the master branch of this WIP repository will only be used to store 
instructions about the repository, and available branches being worked on.

If you don't have a github account and don't wish to create one for whatever 
reason, patches and pull requests for the WIP repository can still be sent to 
this list, where they can be reviewed, and pushed. If you are contributing to 
the WIP repository via this list, please make this clear in your patch.

Discussion of branches in the WIp repository is encouraged, and should happen 
on this list. Once a branch is considered as functionally complete, the patches 
from the branch in question will be posted to this list, for final community 
review. Hopefully all the bigger bugs and gotchas will be dealt with already, 
but should something be missed, this will be another chance to fix it, before 
the functionality makes it into master.

Once a branch is merged into the main repository, the work in progress branch 
will be deleted from the WIP repository.

You can find the repository at http://github.com/TheMuso/speechd-wip.


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