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speechd development future plans

From: Bohdan R . Rau
Subject: speechd development future plans
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:16:31 +0100

 On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 10:46:45 +0100, Halim Sahin wrote:
> However I've seen Bohdan's mbrola-module working in opentts.
> I'd highly vote for speechd integration of that module!!!

 I just started with developing modules out of official branch. Reasons 
 are very simple:

 a) I want my modules working NOW - not in near (ie. next five years) 
 b) I don't want to talk with people having no idea about language 
 implemented by module creator (yes, hello mister Jonathan!)
 c) I personally don't like dependencies of buggy and obsolete libraries 
 (like dotconf)
 d) very initial code (seems to be working, not tested) - 
 http://tts.polip.com/files/sd_milvona.tar.gz - module for Polish 
 language, realizes Milena TTS (native Mbrola) and Ivona (both Linux 
 native and SAPI5 via Wine or Windows) synthesizers. Fall backs to mbrola 
 if Ivona is not accessible (for example opentts server is down).
 e) May be there is time to create something like Module SDK? Why we 
 should wait for speech-dispatcher 0.8, if simple modules can work with 
 0.6.7 (current stable versions of Ubuntu and Vinux)?

 http://milena.polip.com/ - Pa pa, Ivonko!

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