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[PATCH] Update protocols to support tone generation.

From: Christopher Brannon
Subject: [PATCH] Update protocols to support tone generation.
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 17:13:07 -0500

Andrei.Kholodnyi at gmail.com writes:

>    Could you please provide a couple of use cases showing advantages of
>    using tones versus sound icons.

Emacspeak's speech servers use them, and that's the use case I had in mind.
I really can't think of too many advantages over sound icons.

>    how do you plan to generate those tones?

Here's a (very) rough sketch.  It's just a sine wave generator.

#define MULTIPLIER 8192
size_t num_samples = duration * SAMPLE_RATE / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
size_t i;
double sine_input = 0.0;
  double sine_step = 2 * PI / (SAMPLE_RATE / frequency);
for (i = 0; i < numsamples; i++) {
  samples[i] = (short) (sin(sine_input) * MULTIPLIER);
  sine_input += sine_step;

>    How it could be mapped to SSML?

There's no obvious way to do it.  A good candidate would be the src
attribute of the <audio> tag, but how do you represent a tone with a

-- Chris
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