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any chance to have speech-dispatcher 0.6.7 in lenny

From: Jan Buchal
Subject: any chance to have speech-dispatcher 0.6.7 in lenny
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 17:44:13 +0200

>>>>> "HS" == Halim Sahin <halim.sahin at t-online.de> writes:

    HS> Hello, Currently there is a releasecandidate of sd available
    HS> under debian lenny. Its there a chance to get the stable 0.6.7
    HS> version into lenny?
It is in experimental.

    HS> BTW. pd at debian.org is the maintaineradress but I got mail
    HS> delivery message after writing to this adress.

You have wrong email. pdm at debian.org is the correct.


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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