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Re: What are the rules for packages in

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: What are the rules for packages in
Date: Tue, 26 May 2020 00:08:56 -0400

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

  > > I would remove "must not refer the user to any nonfree software",
  > > it seems too strong to me (e.g. when Emacs says it runs on top
  > > of specific nonfree OSes, it sounds like a reference to me):

"Refer the user to" is different from "refer to".  The latter includes
mentioning the nonfree software in any identifiable way.  The former
means, more or less, to lead or steer to the idea of using that
nonfree software.

The GNU Project rule against referring users to nonfree software is stated
in detail in, node References.

It makes an exception for mentioning nonfree software that basically
everyone already knows about.  There is little risk that someone
people will find out from us that Windows exists and thus be led to
switch to it.  Therefore, it is ok to mention Windows.

The rules for might want to cite that node.  It
would be annoying to repeat that part of the node word for word, though,
so I tried to shorten it.

Dr Richard Stallman
Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (
Founder, Free Software Foundation (
Internet Hall-of-Famer (

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