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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup and rotated external drives

From: Dominic Raferd
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff-backup and rotated external drives
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 08:49:46 +0100
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Dan, with your strategy each external drive will contain 6 sets of daily incremental changes and then 1 set of changes which covers 8 days (repeated every fortnight) - and they will be different from one another. It's workable but not ideal. John's strategy is more logical.

Do you have the possibility of running rsync from the server direct to an offsite location? That way you could keep your rdiff-backup repository on your server and regularly sync it to the offsite location, so no one has to run around with disk drives.

On 03/09/2013 14:56, John Wesorick wrote:
There is no way for rdiff-backup to know what changed if you swap the drives, so it would be missing out on a week of changes. A cheap way around this (and what I do) is I have rdiff-backup backup to an external drive, and then I clone that external drive to another one using rsync, and the second external drive becomes the off-site backup.

John Wesorick
IT Systems Engineer | Riders Discount
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On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Dan Joyce <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    Looking at rdiff-backup as an Ubuntu Server solution. It looks
    great, but I can't find any documentation on using multiple
    external hard drives and how it will handle them being rotated
    off-site. I'd like to have at least two externals that will rotate
    weekly. Does rdiff work with this setup?  If so, can I keep the
    two drives in sync? In other words, if Drive1 is attached this
    week and backs up incrementally daily then Friday I rotate in
    Drive2 through next Friday, will Drive2 somehow include all the
    incremental changes--and therefore deleted/changed files--that
    happened in the week it was off-site? Or, will I only have
    every-other week's changes on one drive?


    Dan J.

    rdiff-backup-users mailing list at address@hidden
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