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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] About DeleteIntermediate feature

From: Yannick Patois
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] About DeleteIntermediate feature
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 09:32:26 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)


Thanks for your answer.

Andreas Olsson a écrit :
On Thursday 10 January 2008 23:22:47 Yannick Patois wrote:
On the wiki, I saw this request for a "DeleteIntermediate" feature:
Could this be emulated by some script? Doing a sequence of:
for date in (some dates):
        rdiff-backup -r date /repository/A /tmparea
        rdiff-backup --current-time date /tmparea /repository/B
Yes, that sounds like a working approach. I guess the challenge is to match the inputed dates to the available backups. What might be nice is that if the script could take arguments in the form of daily, monthly, etc.

It would likely have to be a bit more convoluted: you certainly wont do "monthly" from now (and eg, having the most recent backup already 29 days old), you would do something like --monthy-for-older-than <some date>, with, at the same time using --weekly-for-older-than, and so on.

Besides, the concept of building a new repository might actually be a Good Thing.

I don't think so, just a dirty hack ;)

- It will take a lot of time  (maybe even more than the time between two
   scheduled backups - 24h for us)
Only one way to find out :-) Test cases...

I'll let you know, if I ever come up with something.

- Will "--current-time date" option work fine for this?
I can't see why not.




 _/ Yannick Patois _________________ Address (home) __________________
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