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[rdiff-backup-users] My rdiff-backup web interface

From: Justin Chevrier
Subject: [rdiff-backup-users] My rdiff-backup web interface
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:57:05 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 (Windows/20040502)

Hello all,

I found out about rdiff-backup a few months ago when I was looking for a method of doing autonomous backups that could take place efficiently over a network link. rdiff-backup fit the bill perfectly. My primary use for rdiff-backup is to do backups remotely for shares on our windows active directory network. I am using a custom built dual Athlon rig running Linux on 6 250GB IDE drives in a RAID 5 array all tied together with a 3ware RAID card. After getting it up and running I personally saw to restoring any files that were lost or corrupt as they appeared. After a while this became somewhat burdensome to have to do and was a problem if I happened not to be around. So I set to work on creating an interface for restoring files in a way that any member of our department could do with ease. Below I will outline what I did to create my interface, what tools I used and
libraries that I rely on and any pitfalls along the way.

I decided right away to do a web interface for speed of development as well as being able to restore files from any web enabled workstation. I also settled on PHP for the script to use in creating the interface; I hadn't programmed much in it up until this point and I felt like a bit of a challenge :). I'm sure the php gurus out there will see
some bad things I've done! Okay, to the specifics:

Details of Operation:

When first loading the script it will ask for a username and password. This is authenticated via PAM modules and in my case the PAM module for PHP uses winbind to allow users to have the same password here as they do on our windows domain. After successfully logging in it will present you with a list of directories and the increments available in them. You first choose an increment, it will then list all of changed/deleted/new files in the increment or you can search that particular increment for specific files. Do not use wild cards here (ala *.doc) instead just search as the text appears in the filename. For example, if you wanted to find all the '.doc' files search for '.doc'. After either searching or listing the increment it will then list all of the matching files. You can place a checkbox beside how ever many files/directories you want to restore. If you chose to list the increment: Red means deleted from this increment to the latest increment, green means something new added between this increment and the latest and yellow means that the file has changed. After choosing the files you would like to restore you can choose a Windows share (note: must point to share directly, not to directories under the share) to restore the files to. Put in the username and password of someone that has access to the share you're restoring to. Click 'restore' and the files will appear at that location!

Some Notes:

1) As stated, the path to the restore location must be a share, and not a directory under a share, or a local path (eg. use: //server/share, not: //server/share/directory)

2) The script does not restore the full path when you choose a single file, it will just create that file in the path it is pointed to. As a result if you have two files with the same name in different directories and restore them both in one step they will smash each other, in other words the next file in the list of files to be restored will overwrite the previously restored one. You can restore a full path by choosing a directory in the list.

3) The script calls mount, rdiff-backup, etc directly by their command line and doing a 'sudo' to access the required functionality. This is probably bad in general but less of a concern here as it is a secure network and the script will be accessed internally only.

4) The list directories to be searched for increments by the script are collected from '/etc/rdiff-man.conf' This is just a simple file with each directory to be checked listed
on a line of its own.


5) To set the domain for your windows network chanage the 'DOMAIN in '$restore_domain = "DOMAIN";'
to whatever is correct on your domain

6) There is not as much error checking as there should be

Libraries and versions used:

pam_auth for php - http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~ccunning/pam_auth/

Version: 4.3

I placed the source for this right in the PHP extention source directory before compiling PHP
(eg. ./php-4.3.7/ext/pam_auth)

* The above is for the initial login authentication. If no login authentication is required that portion of the php script can be ripped out. I liked this approach because I am running Samba with winbind on this server as well and I simply tied pam's php module
into winbind to authenticate against the AD.

I have attached the PAM file i used for PHP at the end of this email. This file, called 'php'
is placed in '/etc/pam.d/'

PHP - http://www.php.net

Version: 4.3.7
Config: ./configure -prefix=/usr/local/php -with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-pam_auth

* I custom compiled PHP from source to include the pam_auth module. This was the only
way that I could get the pam_auth module to work

Apache - http://www.apache.org

Version: 2.0.49
Config: ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/apache2 –enable-mods-shared=most

RedHat Linux

Version: 9.0 with custom compiled kernel 2.6.7, CIFS file system support compiled in


I used the CIFS file system to connect to Windows shares for restoring files. If you would like to use SMBFS, NFS, etc the appropriate changes can be made to the mount commands.

I have created a 'php' user for the script to run under. This user is in the wheel group to access
the sudo command (see '/etc/group').

I have granted users in the 'wheel' group access to sudo without requiring a password:

I believe that is all (or all that I can think of right now). Hopefully someone out there has some use for this script/interface, I know it's made things a lot easier for me! :)

Justin Chevrier

auth       sufficient   pam_winbind.so
auth       required     pam_stack.so service=system-auth
auth       required     pam_nologin.so
account    sufficient   pam_winbind.so
account    required     pam_stack.so service=system-auth
password   required     pam_stack.so service=system-auth
session    required     pam_stack.so service=system-auth
session    required     pam_limits.so
session    optional     pam_console.so
%s\n",$file_list[$j]); } else if (substr($file_list[$j],0,7) == "deleted") { $file_list[$j]=strstr($file_list[$j],' '); $file_list[$j]=trim($file_list[$j]); printf("%s\n",$file_list[$j]); } else if (substr($file_list[$j],0,7) == "changed") { $file_list[$j]=strstr($file_list[$j],' '); $file_list[$j]=trim($file_list[$j]); printf("%s\n",$file_list[$j]); } else { printf("%s\n",$file_list[$j]); } } } if (isset($_POST['search']) && $_POST['search'] == 'Search') { ?>
" method="post">
Restore Path:  

",$session); $list_cmd = `sudo rdiff-backup --list-at-time $session $path |grep "$search_text"`; $list = split("[\n\r]",$list_cmd); $list_length = count($list); for ($n=0; $n<=$list_length; $n++) { if($list[$n]!='') $list[$n]="changed $list[$n]"; } show_files($path, $list); ?> "> ">
"; echo "SourceDestination"; $text=$_POST['file']; foreach ($text as $file_list ) { $pos = strrpos($file_list,"/"); $len = strlen($file_list); $filename = substr($file_list, $pos+1, $len-pos-1); $back_path=$_POST['path']; $back_date=$_POST['date']; $cmd = `sudo rdiff-backup -r $back_date "$back_path/$file_list" "$restore_mount_point/$filename"`; echo "$file_list"; echo "$restore_path/$filename"; } echo ""; $cmd = `sudo umount /mnt/restore`; echo "

Successfully Restored!"; } else { printf("%s",$mount_cmd); }?> " method="post">
" method="post">
Restore Path:  


" method="post">
Go Back'; } } else if (isset($_POST['logged']) && ($_POST['logged'] == 'Logged In') || ($_POST['logged'] == 'Return')){ $restore_path = file('/etc/rdiff-man.conf'); $num_directories = count($restore_path); echo ""; for ($k=0; $k<$num_directories; $k++) { $restore_path[$k] = trim($restore_path[$k]); printf("",$restore_path[$k]); $cmd = `sudo rdiff-backup -l $restore_path[$k]`; $list[$k] = split("\n",$cmd); $length[$k] = count($list[$k]); ?> "; } else { ?> " method="post"> UserName: Password:
reply via email to

%s " method="post"> "> Search:
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