a few (corrected) details to clarify my request...
is a (very) old way of specifying the disk to be used, but is extremely
practical when there's nothing special to define, and is still
supported by qemu.
my image `file.qcow2` is mounted elsewhere
(nbd) and running `qemu-system-x86_64 -snapshot -hda file.qcow2` fails
with the error "qemu-system-x86_64: -hda file.qcow2: Failed to get shared
“write” lock / Is another process using the image [file.qcow2] ?".
doing some tests and I don't want to unmount my mounts, so I'm trying
to force qemu to start without taking into account the fact that the
image is not free and keeping the disk order (I'm also using `-hdb
file2.qcow2` but this image doesn't cause any problems, is not mounted
and is totally free).
what should I use to replace `-hda file.qcow2` (drive/device/blockdev) to force qemu to boot from this first disk ?
regards, lacsaP.