>With "user" networking, the Qemu-provided network environment includes
>a DNS server (as described in
>http://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/Networking). It is at
>It address is provided in the DHCP messages provided by the DHCP
>server on that simulated LAN.
>If you use "user" networking, I'd advise you to configure the
>interface on the guest to obtain its network parameters from the DHCP
>messages it will see.
Thank you for your instant response,
I don't have dhcp server so, I cannot use dhcp in my network. I used TAP to connect to internet. I should install a package from debian repository on my qemu guest (vyatta) because of this problem I cannot connect to repository.
In /etc/qemu-ifup
/sbin/ifdown p37p1
/sbin/ifconfig p37p1 promisc up
/usr/sbin/openvpn --mktun --dev $1 --user `id -un`
/sbin/ifconfig $1 promisc up
/usr/sbin/brctl addbr br0
/usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 p37p1
/usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 $1
/usr/sbin/brctl stp br0 off
/sbin/ifconfig br0 $P37P1IPADDR netmask broadcast $BROADCAST
/sbin/route add default gw $GATEWAY
3. I make qemu-ifdown and set sudoers file as described in the link.
4.run qemu
#sudo /etc/qemu-ifup tap0
#/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 -m 256 -hda vyatta6.4vc.img -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no
I'm so confused and don't know what to do.
Thank you for your help and sharing your knowledge.