First 3 steps are on Intel running Ubunutu 12.04.3 LTS the rest are on AMD running FreeBSD 10-RELEASE
1. I create 10G drive (raw file format)
2. I install ubuntu onto it with:
# Handwritten script
# Net set up
tap=$(sudo tunctl -u $(whoami) -b)
ip link set $tap up
sleep 1s
brctl addif $bridge $tap
# call hyper v
kvm -drive format=raw,if=virtio,file=ubu -net nic,vlan=0,model=virtio -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=$tap,script=no -m 4096 -smb 3 -vnc :0 -disp
lay none -cdrom ubu.iso
# net break down
brctl delif $bridge $tap
ip link set $tap down
tunctl -d $tap
3. Shut down the VM from within the guest OS and kill the process
4. Copy the disk image over to the FreeBSD machine and start it with: