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Re: [PATCH 16/22] qapi/parser: add docstrings

From: John Snow
Subject: Re: [PATCH 16/22] qapi/parser: add docstrings
Date: Thu, 6 May 2021 21:34:41 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.8.1

On 4/25/21 9:27 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
Another ignorant doc string markup question...  how am I supposed to see
that exprs and docs are attributes, and not global variables?

The syntax is apparently supposed to be :py:attr:`MyClass.attr`. Though, it doesn't seem to be working for me. I can write :py:attr:`bzbxglkdsgl` and the build succeeds. I gotta hunch:

Sphinx was designed to parse ReST written by hand. The " .. py:method::" directives are ones you'd use when using sphinx in that style. Those directives are what create an object in Sphinx's cross-reference system. Later, if you use :py:meth:`foo`, it references that specific object.

Sphinx autodoc is a system that parses your code and automatically generates py:method:: and py:class:: directives for you, allowing the reference syntax to work.

MY HUNCH is that for field list markup within a docstring -- things like :ivar: -- that there is not any corresponding object being created, rendering cross-references for things at that scope when using autodoc ineffective.


Argh, yep.

If I use:

.. py:attribute:: exprs

Resulting parsed expressions.

instead of

:ivar exprs: Resulting parsed expressions

then the syntax :attr:`qapi.parser.QAPISchemaParser.exprs` does resolve into a clickable hyperlink on the rendered output.

 ____   ___   ___   ___  _
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Sigh. Well, while I'm here doing the research and talking to myself, the syntax :attr:`exprs` also works when you have the target defined. It doesn't have to be as verbose. With my testing setup of using the default role of "any", even just `exprs` works.

I wonder if there's the possibility of having sphinx enhance :ivar: and :cvar: to automatically create the same kind of reference target as py:attribute:: does.

Problems for later.

For now ...

``.exprs`` and ``.docs``?


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