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Re: [PATCH 16/22] qapi/parser: add docstrings

From: John Snow
Subject: Re: [PATCH 16/22] qapi/parser: add docstrings
Date: Wed, 5 May 2021 22:08:19 -0400
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On 4/27/21 5:03 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com> writes:

On 4/25/21 9:27 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com> writes:

Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>


My hubris is infinite.

Score one of the three principal virtues of a programmer ;)

It was written before the prior review, but I promise I am slowing down
on adding these. I just genuinely left them to help remind myself how
these modules are actually structured and work so that I will be able to
"pop in" quickly in the future and make a tactical, informed edit.

OK, I only added a few -- to help me remember how the parser works at a glance.

Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow@redhat.com>
   scripts/qapi/parser.py | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)

diff --git a/scripts/qapi/parser.py b/scripts/qapi/parser.py
index dbbd0fcbc2f..8fc77808ace 100644
--- a/scripts/qapi/parser.py
+++ b/scripts/qapi/parser.py
@@ -51,7 +51,24 @@ def __init__(self, parser: 'QAPISchemaParser', msg: str):
class QAPISchemaParser:
+    """
+    Performs parsing of a QAPI schema source file.

Actually, this parses one of two layers, see qapi-code-gen.txt section
"Schema syntax".  Pointing there might help.

It sort of parses one-and-a-half layers, but yes ... I know the
distinction you're drawing here. This is *mostly* the JSON/AST level.

(With some upper-level or mid-level parsing for Pragmas and Includes.)

True.  I chose simplicity over purity.

+ :param fname: Path to the source file

Either "Source file name" or "Source pathname", please.  I prefer "file
name" for additional distance to "path" in the sense of a search path,
i.e. a list of directory names.

OK, I am not sure I have any ... prejudice about when to use which kind
of description for these sorts of things. I'm happy to defer to you, but
if there's some kind of existing standard vocabulary I'm trampling all
over, feel free to point me to your preferred hacker dictionary.

Anyway, happy to adopt your phrasing here.

+    :param previously_included:
+        The absolute paths of previously included source files.

Either "absolute file name" or "absulute pathname".


+        Only used by recursive calls to avoid re-parsing files.

Feels like detail, not sure it's needed here.

You're probably right, but I suppose I wanted to hint/suggest that it
was not necessary to feed it this argument for the root schema, but it
was crucial for the recursive calls.

To me "if root schema, then nothing was previously included" feels
obvious enough :)  But if you want to spell out proper use of the
parameter, I recommend to stick to the interface, i.e. when to pass it,
not what the function does with it (in the hope that the reader can
then guess when to pass it).

(Earlier I mentioned possibly just passing the parent parser in: that
helps eliminate some of this ambiguity, too.)

+    :param incl_info:
+       `QAPISourceInfo` for the parent document.
+       This may be None if this is the root schema document.

Recommend s/This maybe //.

qapi-code-gen.txt calls a QAPI schema that uses include directives
"modular", and the included files "sub-modules".  s/root schema
document/root module/?

Sure. All in favor of phrasing consistency.

(By the way: I did write up a draft for converting qapi-code-gen.txt to
ReST format, and if I had finished that, it might be nice to hotlink to
it here. I stopped for now because I wanted to solidify some conventions
on how to markup certain constructs first, and wanted ... not to
overwhelm you with more doc-wrangling.)

Appreciated :)

+    :ivar exprs: Resulting parsed expressions.
+    :ivar docs: Resulting parsed documentation blocks.

Uh, why are these here?  A doc string is interface documentation...

These *are* interface. It is how callers are expected to get the results
of parsing.

You're right, but is the constructor the right place to document

This is the docstring for the class, actually.

https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/ says:

"The docstring for a class should summarize its behavior and list the public methods and instance variables. If the class is intended to be subclassed, and has an additional interface for subclasses, this interface should be listed separately (in the docstring). The class constructor should be documented in the docstring for its __init__ method. Individual methods should be documented by their own docstring."

So that's where parameters for the init method goes, as well as class and instance variables.

One-stop shop for interface documentation.

We could change that, of course, but that is absolutely how this class
works today.

+    :raise OSError: For problems opening the root schema document.
+    :raise QAPIParseError: For JSON or QAPIDoc syntax problems.
+    :raise QAPISemError: For various semantic issues with the schema.

Should callers care for the difference between QAPIParseError and

That's up to the caller, I suppose. I just dutifully reported the truth
of the matter here.

(That's a real non-answer, I know.)

I could always document QAPISourceError instead, with a note about the
subclasses used for completeness.

(The intent is that QAPIError is always assumed/implied to be sufficient
for capturing absolutely everything raised directly by this package, if
you want to ignore the meanings behind them.)

I honestly can't think of a reason for catching anything but QAPIError.
The other classes exist only to give us more convenient ways to
construct instances of QAPIError.  We could replace them all by
functions returning QAPIError.

Summary it is.

+    """
       def __init__(self,
                    fname: str,
                    previously_included: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
@@ -77,6 +94,11 @@ def __init__(self,
def _parse(self) -> None:
+        """
+        Parse the QAPI schema document.
+        :return: None; results are stored in ``exprs`` and ``docs``.

Another ignorant doc string markup question...  how am I supposed to see
that exprs and docs are attributes, and not global variables?

I don't know, it's an unsolved mystery for me too. I need more time in
the Sphinx dungeon to figure out how this stuff is supposed to work.
You're right to wonder.

Use self.exprs and self.docs meanwhile?

If I don't accidentally trip and fall and decide to care more about it by the time I finish revising the docs tomorrow, yes.

+        """
           cur_doc = None
with open(self._fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
@@ -197,6 +219,50 @@ def _check(name: str, value: object) -> List[str]:
               raise QAPISemError(info, "unknown pragma '%s'" % name)
def accept(self, skip_comment: bool = True) -> None:
+        """
+        Read the next lexeme and process it into a token.
+        :Object state:
+          :tok: represents the token type. See below for values.
+          :pos: is the position of the first character in the lexeme.
+          :cursor: is the position of the next character.

Define "position" :)  It's an index in self.src.

Good call.

self.cursor and self.pos are not used outside accept().  Not sure thet
belong into interface documentation.

Fair point, though I was on a mission to document exactly how the parser
works even at the internal level, because accept(), despite being
"public", is really more of an internal function here.

I am somewhat partial to documenting these state variables for my own
sake so that I can remember the way this lexer behaves.

I understand why you want to document how they work.  Since they're
internal to accept(), a comment in accept() seems more proper than
accept() doc string.  Admittedly doesn't matter that much, as accept()
is internal to the class.

OK, I'll take it into consideration and see what subjectively looks and feels the nicest.

+          :val: is the variable value of the token, if any.

Missing: self.info, which *is* used outside accept().

Oh, yes.

+        Single-character tokens:
+        These include ``LBRACE``, ``RBRACE``, ``COLON``, ``COMMA``,
+        ``LSQB``, and ``RSQB``.

"These include ..." is misleading.  This is the complete list of
single-character tokens.

I'm just testing your ability to recognize the difference between proper
and improper subsets.

(Joking. I'll reword to avoid that ambiguity.)

+        ``LSQB``, and ``RSQB``.  ``tok`` holds the single character
+        lexeme.  ``val`` is ``None``.
+        Multi-character tokens:
+        - ``COMMENT``:
+          - This token is not normally yielded by the lexer, but it
+            can be when ``skip_comment`` is False.
+          - ``tok`` is the value ``"#"``.
+          - ``val`` is a string including all chars until end-of-line.
+        - ``STRING``:
+          - ``tok`` is the ``"'"``, the single quote.
+          - ``value`` is the string, *excluding* the quotes.
+        - ``TRUE`` and ``FALSE``:
+          - ``tok`` is either ``"t"`` or ``"f"`` accordingly.
+          - ``val`` is either ``True`` or ``False`` accordingly.
+        - ``NEWLINE`` and ``SPACE``:
+          - These are consumed by the lexer directly. ``line_pos`` and
+            ``info`` are advanced when ``NEWLINE`` is encountered.
+            ``tok`` is set to ``None`` upon reaching EOF.
+        :param skip_comment:
+            When false, return ``COMMENT`` tokens.
+            This is used when reading documentation blocks.

The doc string mostly describes possible state on return of accept().
*Within* accept(), self.tok may be any character.

"Mostly" because item ``NEWLINE`` and ``SPACE`` is about something that
happens within accept().

Almost kinda-sorta. The value of "tok" is important there, too.


Fair enough. I'll trim it down. There is some future bleed from some experimental stuff I cut out here.

(It's been banished to some realm even further beyond pt5c, the oft-feared but seldom-mentioned pt7. Spoken of in frightened whispers, leading QAPI scholars are as of yet unable to confirm it truly exists.)

Perhaps phrasing it as a postcondition would be clearer:

      Read and store the next token.

      On return, self.tok is the token type, self.info is describes its
      source location, and self.value is the token's value.

      The possible token types and their values are


OK, I will play with this suggestion while I try to clean up the docs.

+        """
           while True:
               self.tok = self.src[self.cursor]
               self.pos = self.cursor

Thanks for taking a look at this one.

Thank *you* for documenting my[*] code!

[*] Some of it mine in the sense I wrote it, some of it mine in the
sense I maintain it.

I assure you it's entirely selfish. I have the memory of a goldfish and the docs I wrote myself here have *already* come in handy for reminding myself what's going on in here.


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