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[phpGroupWare-users] Install not working

Subject: [phpGroupWare-users] Install not working
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 03:44:35 -0700 (MST)


Today I downloaded and installed the latest version of php groupware 

When I try to install applications, I receive no error message, but the icon on 
the left is a red cross and a message prompts me to re-check the installation.

When I do that, I get a message "oldVersion" (!) And I'm suggested that I have 
to update the tables.OK.

Next step (red cross icon again), I checked my installation (again) and:

The cross becomes green
I receive these messages:
Your applications are up to date
Fatal error

With a button "Uninstall all applications'

If I try to continue, I see that the applications are installed, but I can't 
install the lang (message "Database error: Invalid SQL: DELETE FROM phpgw_lang 
where app_name != 'mainscreen' AND app_name != 'loginscreen'
MySQL Error: 1146 (Table 'phpgroupware.phpgw_lang' doesn't exist), nor login as 
User  (Database error: Invalid SQL: select message_id,content from phpgw_lang 
where lang = 'en' and (app_name = 'login' or app_name = 'common' or app_name = 
'all') order by app_name asc
MySQL Error: 1146 (Table 'phpgroupware.phpgw_lang' doesn't exist)

What's wrong ?

Thank you

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