I believe direct addressing is the correct mode in this example, meaning that you could load 4 as the address containing the data required by the instruction. If you stored 4 in a register and used register addressing, then the value 4 would be the literal data used by the instruction, rather than a pointer to the required data.
--- On Wed, 10/1/08, Téssio Fechine <address@hidden> wrote:
From: Téssio Fechine <address@hidden> Subject: [Pgubook-readers] Bug p16 To: address@hidden Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 12:28 PM
In the first paragraph: "addressing mode and specified the %eax register, and the %eax register contained the value 4, whatever value was at memory location 4 would be used. In -->direct addressing<--, we would just load the value 4, but in indirect addressing, we use 4 as the address to use to find the data we want."
Would it be "register addressing" instead of "direct addressing"?
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