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[pdf-devel] pdf_i64_<op> style?

From: Jeffrey Walton
Subject: [pdf-devel] pdf_i64_<op> style?
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 21:14:38 -0500

Hi All/Jose,

I was looking at the gnupdf.texi file. In the document, pdf_i64_add is
shown as (in the documentation for pdf_error):

pdf_i64_t dest, addend_1, addend_2;
pdf_status_t status;
status = pdf_i64_add (dest, addend_1, addend_2);

In the H and C file, the function is as follows:

pdf_i64_t dest, addend_1, addend_2;
pdf_status_t status;
pdf_i64_add (dest, addend_1, addend_2, &status);

The various operations have a somewhat mix-and-match style. Is there a
style that the project would like to consistently use? Now might be a
good time to clean things up.


PS, If I'm allowed a vote, I prefer
result function( <const args> <non-const args> )
status = pdf_i64_add (addend_1, addend_2, &sum);
status = pdf_i64_full_div (num, denom, &quot, &remain);

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