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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] A problem getting started with an ARDrone 2

From: christopher . d . gough
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] A problem getting started with an ARDrone 2
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 15:27:58 +1100

Sorry, I don't know about parrots/multicopters, I only fly fixed-wing with a serial modem so I always capture a telemetry stream on the ground. I don't know what's different with parrots/Linux, but finding those logs (and replaying them) is probably a good step to working out what's going wrong.

Chris Gough

On 27 Nov 2014, at 12:21 pm, Ori Pessach <address@hidden> wrote:

It flies fine with QGroundControl and the Parrot firmware - so not with Paparazzi. I don't have logs of the crash, but I'd love to provide logs if you told me where to find them. :)

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 2:40 PM, <address@hidden> wrote:
When you say it flies fine using QGroundControl, do you mean with paparazzi or another flight controller?

Do you have flight logs of the crash?

Also, airframe files (etc) might provide more clues.

Chris Gough

On 27 Nov 2014, at 2:00 am, Ori Pessach <address@hidden> wrote:

Well? Any suggestions?

Specifically - is there a way to enable logging in the firmware running on the UAV? Any way to know what "normal" telemetry should look like, so I can begin to understand why paparazzi wants to roll the vehicle to the right, even if I'm holding it level?

I don't have a joystick attached to the laptop during the flight. Could the system be using a default value for the joystick reading in that case?

In short - what's my next troubleshooting step?



On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Ori Pessach <address@hidden> wrote:

I've been trying to get this to work for a while, and I seem to have hit a wall. Or rather, the ground. 

I modified the rotorcraft_basic plan to get started, rather than create a brand new flight plan. The waypoints show up in GCS in the correct location on the map, and I can upload and start the firmware just fine. I get GPS lock and the PFD updates when I move the drone around.

The problem is that immediately after taking off, the done rolls sharply to the right and slams into the ground. Not the ideal outcome.

What might be happening there, and how can I diagnose what the drone is trying to do? It flies fine using QGroundControl, mostly.



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