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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Build errors in Paparazzi v4.0.4

From: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Warmers
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Build errors in Paparazzi v4.0.4
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:19:13 +0100
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Hi Stephen,
the Chimu fun jet  is a little bit obsolete.
We use the  analogue  razor  6DOM IMU.
Today the drotek 10DOM IMU is less cost intensive  (23Euro).
Also this sensor is not as much sensitive for vibrations.
Felix wrote a excellent driver for them.
I tested them with the Version 5.03 and the tiny 1.3  for metro logic  measurements.
It runs perfect.
 You can find other config files for the funjet.
Many sings have been changed since version  4.03.
For the razor IMU  we made a dead time of about 10s for calibration the IMU.
Therefore the aircraft has to be put in flight attitude during power on.



Stephen L Hulme schrieb:
Hi Felix and Heinrich
Thank you for the much needed advice.
It must be the case that SUMO compiles because I set up an operational test bench of all the requisite hardware prior to installation. Unfortunately, I am part way through finishing this build and critical wiring is embedded in the fuse but not yet attached to the appropriate component. I will dig out the the Tiny Chimu funjet and test to see if it still compiles with v4.2 branch.
Nonetheless, I have upgraded the LisaL quad airframe file to compile using the most recent master branch. I intend testing it later this evening. RAW sensors telemetry confirms all are producing sensible/acceptable output except the diff barometer which remains silent with a zero reading – I guess it is not supported in this latest branch version.
On Saturday, March 22, 2014 11:33 PM, Felix Ruess wrote:
Hi Stephen,
The LPC based SUMO should even compile fine with the current gcc-arm-embedded toolchain. But for STM32 based ones on these old branches you really need paparazzi-arm-mulitlib which includes some STM libs that are not in gcc-arm-embedded (and we don't use anymore since v5.0).
If you have an arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler binary in your PATH, that will be used, regardless of whether it has the stm libs or not...
Now you could either modify the makefile to not look in the PATH at all and only accept the paparazzi-arm-multilib one in /opt,
or just add /opt/paparazzi/arm-multilib/bin to come first in your PATH.
$ export PATH=/opt/paparazzi/arm-multilib/bin:$PATH
Check with
$ which arm-none-eabi-gcc
on the commandline.
Cheers, Felix

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Warmers <address@hidden> wrote:
you can use the 2 compilers versions  on the same  computer.
The make system calls the right one.


Stephen L Hulme schrieb:

Hi Felix

Thank you very much.

So do I have to uninstall gcc-arm-none-eabi, 4-8-2013q4-0precise every
time I wish to fly Martin's SUMO funjet within the campaign2013 branch
and reinstall it to fly the ardrone2 (if it behaves itself) on master



On Fri, 2014-03-21 at 09:57 pm, Felix Ruess wrote:

Hi Stephen,

for v4.2 and older you need the old paparazzi-arm-multilib toolchain.
If you want to use v4.x, make sure you don't have the current
gcc-arm-embedded in your PATH.

Cheers, Felix

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:35 AM, Stephen L Hulme
<address@hidden> wrote:
        Hi Guys

        Trying to get my old LisaL quad up and running while the
        autumn weather
        allows and I get the following while testing an example file
        as well as
        my own.

        CC /home/stephen/paparazzi/var/Hexa_LisaL/ap/mcu.o
        In file included from mcu_periph/sys_time.h:127:0,
                        from mcu.c:28:

/home/stephen/paparazzi/sw/airborne/arch/stm32/mcu_periph/sys_time_arch.h:35:24: fatal error: stm32/gpio.h: No such file or directory
        #include <stm32/gpio.h>
        compilation terminated.
        make[1]: *** [/home/stephen/paparazzi/var/Hexa_LisaL/ap/mcu.o]
        Error 1
        make[1]: Leaving directory
        make: *** [ap.compile] Error 2
        make: Leaving directory `/home/stephen/paparazzi'

        DONE (exec make -C /home/stephen/paparazzi -f
        AIRCRAFT=Hexa_LisaL ap.compile  2>&1)



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