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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] nps simulator for X quadrotor ?

From: bshaot
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] nps simulator for X quadrotor ?
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2013 05:25:40 -0700 (PDT)

I imitate the example made a sim XML for X350 quadrotor.But it doesn't work
properly!Only move one time,then fallen.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
<fdm_config name="QUAD COMPLETE EXT" version="2.0" release="BETA"

        <author>Gustavo Violato &amp; Antoine Drouin &amp;
        <version>Version 0.9 - beta</version>
        <description>Simple Quadrotor without rotor dynamic (NE/SW turning
CW, NW/SE CCW)350</description>

        <wingarea unit="IN2"> 78.53 </wingarea>                       
        <wingspan unit="IN"> 10 </wingspan>                           
        <chord unit="IN"> 6.89 </chord>                               
        <htailarea unit="FT2"> 0 </htailarea>
        <htailarm unit="FT"> 0 </htailarm>
        <vtailarea unit="FT2"> 0 </vtailarea>
        <vtailarm unit="FT"> 0 </vtailarm>
        <location name="AERORP" unit="IN">
            <x> 0 </x>
            <y> 0 </y>
            <z> 0 </z>
        <location name="EYEPOINT" unit="IN">
            <x> 0 </x>
            <y> 0 </y>
            <z> 0 </z>
        <location name="VRP" unit="IN">
            <x> 0 </x>
            <y> 0 </y>
            <z> 0 </z>

        <ixx unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0.005 </ixx>
        <iyy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0.005 </iyy>
        <izz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0.010 </izz>
        <ixy unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0. </ixy>
        <ixz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0. </ixz>
        <iyz unit="SLUG*FT2"> 0. </iyz>
        <emptywt unit="LBS"> 0.84 </emptywt>                           
        <location name="CG" unit="M">
            <x> 0 </x>
            <y> 0 </y>
            <z> 0 </z>

        <contact type="STRUCTURE" name="CONTACT_FRONT">                
            <location unit="M">
                <x>-0.15 </x>
                <y> 0 </y>
                <z>-0.1 </z>
            <static_friction>  0.8 </static_friction>                  
            <dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>                 
            <spring_coeff unit="N/M"> 500 </spring_coeff>              
            <damping_coeff unit="N/M/SEC"> 100 </damping_coeff>        
            <damping_coeff_rebound type="SQUARE" unit="N/M2/SEC2"> 1000
            <max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
            <brake_group> NONE </brake_group>

        <contact type="STRUCTURE" name="CONTACT_BACK">
            <location unit="M">
                <x> 0.15</x>
                <y> 0   </y>
                <z>-0.1 </z>
            <static_friction>  0.8 </static_friction>
            <dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
            <spring_coeff unit="N/M"> 500 </spring_coeff>
            <damping_coeff unit="N/M/SEC"> 100 </damping_coeff>
            <damping_coeff_rebound type="SQUARE" unit="N/M2/SEC2"> 1000
            <max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
            <brake_group> NONE </brake_group>

        <contact type="STRUCTURE" name="CONTACT_RIGHT">
            <location unit="M">
                <x> 0.  </x>
                <y> 0.15</y>
                <z>-0.1 </z>
            <static_friction>  0.8 </static_friction>
            <dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
            <spring_coeff unit="N/M"> 500 </spring_coeff>
            <damping_coeff unit="N/M/SEC"> 100 </damping_coeff>
            <damping_coeff_rebound type="SQUARE" unit="N/M2/SEC2"> 1000
            <max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
            <brake_group> NONE </brake_group>

        <contact type="STRUCTURE" name="CONTACT_LEFT">
            <location unit="M">
                <x> 0.  </x>
                <z>-0.1 </z>
            <static_friction>  0.8 </static_friction>
            <dynamic_friction> 0.5 </dynamic_friction>
            <spring_coeff unit="N/M"> 500 </spring_coeff>
            <damping_coeff unit="N/M/SEC"> 100 </damping_coeff>
            <damping_coeff_rebound type="SQUARE" unit="N/M2/SEC2"> 1000
            <max_steer unit="DEG"> 0.0 </max_steer>
            <brake_group> NONE </brake_group>




      <force name="ne_motor" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
         <value> 0.84 </value>
       <location unit="IN">

      <force name="sw_motor" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
         <value> 0.84 </value>
       <location unit="IN">

      <force name="se_motor" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
         <value> 0.84 </value>
       <location unit="IN">

      <force name="nw_motor" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
         <value> 0.84 </value>
       <location unit="IN">



    <force name="ne_couple1" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
       <value> 0.84 </value>
     <location unit="IN">

    <force name="ne_couple2" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
       <value> 0.84 </value>
     <location unit="IN">


    <force name="sw_couple1" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
       <value> 0.84 </value>
     <location unit="IN">

    <force name="sw_couple2" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
       <value> 0.84 </value>
     <location unit="IN">


    <force name="se_couple1" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
       <value> 0.84 </value>
     <location unit="IN">

    <force name="se_couple2" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
       <value> 0.84 </value>
     <location unit="IN">


    <force name="nw_couple1" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
       <value> 0.84 </value>
     <location unit="IN">

    <force name="nw_couple2" frame="BODY" unit="LBS">
       <value> 0.84 </value>
     <location unit="IN">



    <flight_control name="FGFCS"/>

        <axis name="DRAG">
            <function name="aero/coefficient/CD">


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