I am having difficulty around the RC setup. I am not able to control the servos or mode.
<airframe name="RadJet420">
<firmware name="fixedwing">
<define name="USE_I2C0"/>
<define name="USE_I2C1"/>
<define name="AGR_CLIMB" />
<define name="ALT_KALMAN"/>
<target name="sim" board="pc"/>
<target name="ap" board="umarim_lite_2.0"/>
<subsystem name="radio_control" type="ppm"/>
<!-- Communication -->
<subsystem name="telemetry" type="transparent"/>
<!-- Actuators are automatically chosen according to board-->
<subsystem name="imu" type="umarim"/>
<subsystem name="ahrs" type="float_dcm"/>
<subsystem name="control"/>
<subsystem name="navigation"/>
<!-- Sensors -->
<subsystem name="gps" type="ublox"/>
<firmware name="setup">
<target name="setup_actuators" board="umarim_1.0"/>
<target name="tunnel" board="umarim_1.0"/>
<!-- commands section -->
<servo name="MOTOR" no="7" min="1040" neutral="1040" max="2000"/>
<servo name="AILEVON_LEFT" no="6" min="1900" neutral="1543" max="1100"/>
<servo name="AILEVON_RIGHT" no="3" min="1100" neutral="1561" max="1900"/>
<axis name="THROTTLE" failsafe_value="0"/>
<axis name="ROLL" failsafe_value="0"/>
<axis name="PITCH" failsafe_value="0"/>
<set command="THROTTLE" value="@THROTTLE"/>
<set command="ROLL" value="@ROLL"/>
<set command="PITCH" value="@PITCH"/>
<section name="MIXER">
<define name="AILEVON_AILERON_RATE" value="0.75"/>
<define name="AILEVON_ELEVATOR_RATE" value="0.75"/>
<let var="aileron" value="@ROLL * AILEVON_AILERON_RATE"/>
<let var="elevator" value="@PITCH * AILEVON_ELEVATOR_RATE"/>
<set servo="MOTOR" value="@THROTTLE"/>
<set servo="AILEVON_LEFT" value="$elevator + $aileron"/>
<set servo="AILEVON_RIGHT" value="$elevator - $aileron"/>
My radio is a JR9303 with FM Sythn 72mHz module. My Rx is a Berg4L modified per the Wiki for PPM output. I wired the Rx to the autopilot per the Wiki under UmarimLiteV2 small aircraft wiring diagram (latest diagram).
<!DOCTYPE radio SYSTEM "radio.dtd">
<radio name="T9cap" data_min="900" data_max="2100" sync_min="5000" sync_max="15000" pulse_type="POSITIVE">
<channel ctl="right_stick_horiz" function="ROLL" min="1939" neutral="1525" max="1114" average="0"/>
<channel ctl="right_stick_vert" function="PITCH" min="1112" neutral="1518" max="1937" average="0"/>
<channel ctl="left_stick_vert" function="THROTTLE" min="1940" neutral="1940" max="1115" average="0"/>
<channel ctl="left_stick_horiz" function="YAW" min="1940" neutral="1498" max="1115" average="0"/>
<channel ctl="switch_G" function="CALIB" min="2080" neutral="1525" max="969" average="10"/>
<channel ctl="switch_C" function="MODE" min="2079" neutral="1526" max="966" average="10"/>
<channel ctl="VRA" function="GAIN1" min="970" neutral="1520" max="2078" average="10"/>
<channel ctl="VRC" function="GAIN2" min="970" neutral="1518" max="2077" average="10"/>
I am unsure how to see the PPM input values in the "messages" utility in Paparazzi Center. Is there a way? I'm at a loss to identify is autopilot receiving the PPM signal and simply unable to parse it? Or is there something else wrong not related to Paparazzi.
Thank you for your help. I hope I wrote this in a way that others may be helped by the answer.