> Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 13:45:25 +1000
> From:
address@hidden> To:
address@hidden> Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] ATMMega PPM Encoder
> > Our PPM encoder board is blinking at high rate and we have tried with
> > different cables to make sure nothing is broken, so our board and
> > connections seem ok.
> By high rate, do you mean ~1Hz or ~3Hz? If it's blinking at 1Hz, the
> PPM encoder is telling you that it's not outputting PPM, and your
> symptoms are expected. If it's blinking at 3Hz, you should expect to
> see PPM.
> >It may be something associated with any
> > failsafe issue?
> Perhaps. Can you test the PWM output of your receiver channels?
> If you have not changed the "throttle failsafe" configuration in the
> PPM encoder, and your chanel 3 PWM is > 2025 microseconds, then the
> PPM encoder will not putput any PPM and should be blinking at 1Hz.
> Simple check - is your receiver in failsafe? if you plug in servos
> instead of the PPM encoder, do they folow the sticks?
> Chris Gough
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