Thanks Felix,
I was indeed using "new", sorry for the hasty message. Will add more detail next time.
Best, Hi Chris,
Thanks for reporting, but I couldn't reproduce the problem at first, I had to guess what you are using... in this case it was not too hard to guess, since Christophe added that nice functionality recently and some quick tests showed it was not added for control type="new", which I guess you were using?
When reporting problems/errors/whatever, please provide at information on your setup/configuration (which subsystems, etc.) so the problem can be reproduced.
If you were using that, it should be fixed... otherwise please provide a few more details...
Cheers, Felix On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Chris Wozny <address@hidden> wrote:
Forgot to include this:
I get the error both when I have the following defines in the airframe
config and when I omit them:
<define name="AUTO_THROTTLE_MIN_CRUISE_THROTTLE" value="0.25"/>
<define name="AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_CRUISE_THROTTLE" value="0.85"/>