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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi Hardware in loop Simulation

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi Hardware in loop Simulation
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 17:42:37 +0100


just some short remarks regarding HITL simulation:

* IMHO HITL doesn't make much sense for simulating IMU sensors (unless you really do that in hardware as well)
* for use with infrared sensors this is feasible, but I have never really used IR sensors myself and hence never used HTIL
* HITL probably needs some work for IR sensors again? I honestly don't know....
* I'm not aware of anything properly dealing with alpha (angle of attack) and beta (side slip) angles
** there is a module for measuring angle of attack with a separate sensor though:
** the simple ocaml sim does not simulate alpha and beta (ok, there is a rudimentary simulation of side-slip based on the simulated wind)

Why do you want to measure analog output of the actuators. Also what do you mean by analog output? The actuators output is digital (PWM).
It would be possible to have everything running in the airplane with the real servos/actuators connected and just additionally send the actuators commands back to the sim/fdm.
But as I said I haven't used HITL and I have no idea what has been done there so far...

Cheers, Felix

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 10:41 PM, Stephen Dwyer <address@hidden> wrote:

As no one else has answered this, I will do my best (others will
undoubtedly correct me...)

I don't think anybody has used HWIL for quite some time on Paparazzi
(at least not what is currently in the repository).

I think you will definitely have to rewrite a considerable portion of
the code if you are using anything other than IR and GPS. There has
been considerable code refactoring and you may have to start HWIL
support from scratch to do it properly (I am not one to ask about
this). I don't think there is any provision for measuring analog
output of actuators rather than just send the current actuator
commands back via datalink (which in my mind makes rather more sense).

There has been work done in the past to create an SD datalogger for
the LPC21 architecture, but this used a separate processor (like
another TWOG) due to the processor intensive nature of writing to the
SD card with SPI. Hopefully someone who has actually done this can
elaborate further.

Hope that helps a little.


On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 3:24 AM, GURUGANESH R <address@hidden> wrote:
> Dear Paparazzi users,
>     I am sending this email again and again, sorry for trouble....We are
> team of scientist from an aerospace lab in India. We are working in the TWOG
> paparazzi autopilot board for quite some time. We wanted to connect the
> paparazzi board with the host simulator and run the Hardware in the loop
> simulation. From the wiki page of paparazzi, we have learnt that we can
> connect the AP board through the USB cable and commands computed by the
> autopilot are sent to the flight model which sends back simulated values of
> the sensors output (e.g infrared and GPS) back to the AP board. In that case
> I have certain doubts.
> 1) Is it possible to send the following  data V, alpha, beta, p, q, r, phi,
> psi and theta from the flight model to the autopilot board along with the
> infrared sensor and GPS data.
> 2) If so how to do it, where in the source code we need to make changes.
> 3) Instead of simulated actuators can we have physical actuators in the
> HITL. Any provision is made in the paparazzi HITL code to acquire the analog
> voltage corresponding to the  actuator output.
> 4) Is it possible to connect an SD card to log the data from the autopilot
> board through the SPI bus which is available in the board. if so how many
> data we can log and how do we decide the rate of logging.
> These are all my doubts.It would be great help if anyone help in
> troubleshooting this problem. Please write to me if you have answers to any
> one of my doubts.
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