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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Lisa/M spektrum bind plug?

From: Eric Parsonage
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Lisa/M spektrum bind plug?
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 23:29:17 +1030


Definitely do not bind with a regular receiver unless you have one which talks the same dialect of DSM2 that paparazzi talks. Binding on Paparazzi sets the satellite and transmitter to the highest frame rate and highest resolution that the transmitter/satellite can manage. Binding on 6 channel receivers generally doesn’t achieve this. So you can end up with the satellite talking one dialect of DSM2 while the paparazzi autopilot code is expecting another. 

Lisa/M binds in the same way as Lisa/L the code in specktrum_arch,c for the stm32 devices has these defines 

/* The line that is pulled low at power up to initiate the bind process */
#define BIND_PIN GPIO_Pin_3

If you look at the schematic for lisa/M 1.0 at you can see this should correspond to ADC6


On 09/11/2011, at 11:12 PM, Chris Gough wrote:


I see from the wiki, with Lisa/L, spektrum satelite(s) can be bound to
a transmitter by joinning GND with "PC3"/bind on ADC Spare.

Is there some way to do this with Lisa/M (1.0)? or should I use a
regular receiver to bind the satelites?

Chris Gough

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