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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Doubt Regarding IR

From: Martin Mueller
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Doubt Regarding IR
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 09:05:57 +0200
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Hi Arun,

it is not linear, see estimator_update_state_infrared() in sw/airborne/infrared.c for the conversion.


On 27.08.2010 09:02, Arun Sajeevan wrote:
Hi All,
I had a doubt regarding the working principle of the IR sensors.
With reference to the "Theory Of operation" mentioned in our Wiki pages,
it is said that : *the sensors typically have a 100 degree field of view
and produce a somewhat sinusoidal voltage response relative to their
angle orientation. as seen in the plot to the right.*But we are not able
to understand the plot shown.
It had  been earlier mentioned that the IR voltage is proportional to the :

    * The angle of the aircraft
    * The local ground/sky temperature difference

But the plot does not seem to follow this.Can someone please explain
this? The link for the plot
Thanks for your time.

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