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Re: Discrepancy between actual RAM usage by Octave and "whos" output

From: Andrew Janke
Subject: Re: Discrepancy between actual RAM usage by Octave and "whos" output
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 16:51:31 -0400
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On 10/30/18 3:38 PM, Mike Miller wrote:
On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 11:05:44 -0500, PhilipNienhuis wrote:
What is the reason that actual RAM usage is so much larger than suggested by
"whos"? Where does the overhead come from?

Cell arrays have a lot of memory overhead. Compare the memory used by
Octave instantiating

     A = rand (1e7, 10);

with the memory used for

     A = num2cell (rand (1e7, 10));

On my system, I see about 850 MB used for the first, 3.9 GB for the

A corrollary is that esp. for unwary users, "whos" actually gives deceiving

Yes, especially if you are using cell arrays with a large number of

Digging a little deeper: If Octave works like Matlab (and I think it does), the "Bytes" reported by "whos" reflect only the memory used by the raw primitive values (i.e. doubles, ints, chars) inside the arrays, and not any of the overhead in Octave's internal array-management data structures. Cells have high overhead because each individual cell element contains an entire Octave array. (Same for objects that are not coded as planar-organized.)

You can kind of see this by doing a "whos" on empty compound data types, which all report as 0 bytes, when they clearly are using some memory.

octave:1> a_struct = struct;
octave:2> a_cell = {};
octave:3> an_object = containers.Map;
octave:4> whos
Variables in the current scope:

   Attr Name           Size                     Bytes  Class
   ==== ====           ====                     =====  =====
        a_cell         0x0                          0  cell
        a_struct       1x1                          0  struct
        an_object      1x1                          0  containers.Map

Conversely, because it doesn't check for memory shared between arrays via CoW, whos() can also over-report memory usage for cells and other compound types. (The memory arrangement is a directed acyclic graph, and the memory-counting algorithm isn't checking for already-visited nodes.) But this is less likely in practice.

octave:1> x = rand(1e7,1);
octave:2> cx = { x x x x x x x };
octave:3> ccx = repmat( { x }, [1e5 1]);
octave:4> cccx = repmat( { ccx }, [1e3 1]);
octave:6> ccccx = repmat( { cccx }, [1e3 1]);
octave:7> whos
Variables in the current scope:

   Attr Name          Size                            Bytes  Class
   ==== ====          ====                            =====  =====
        ccccx      1000x1               8000000000000000000  cell
        cccx       1000x1                  8000000000000000  cell
        ccx      100000x1                     8000000000000  cell
        cx            1x7                         560000000  cell
        x      10000000x1                          80000000  double

Actual memory usage here is about 100 MB.

You can exploit this behavior to do a form of low-rent compression on low-cardinality cellstr or struct-organized object arrays:

function out = canonicalize(x)
    [ux,~,Jndx] = unique(x);
    out = reshape(ux(Jndx), size(x));

After a "foo = canonicalize(foo)", foo will contain the same values, but have only one copy of each distinct value in memory.


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