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linestyleorder and scatter plots markerfacecolor and markeredgecolor pro

From: David Bateman
Subject: linestyleorder and scatter plots markerfacecolor and markeredgecolor properties
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 23:14:56 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090706)

For information here is a patch that I'm working on that does the following

* It removes the "@" markers I recently added
* It implements setting the linestyleorder with either a string or a string cell array
* Adds an graphics property order_property to handle the above
* Uses the linestyleorder property in a what I believe is a matlab compatible manner for plot, plot3, scatter and stem * Makes the scatter functions use the markedgecolor and markerfacecolor properties in a matlab compatible manner rather than using the edgecolor properties (or abusing it) as Shai pointed out * Adapt the patch handling in __go_draw_axes__ to treat the above properties, though it only treats the case where one of these values is set or those values that are set are set to the same value.

The patch seems to work for me and I'll commit it when I have more time. I'd also like to get the regrouping of patches with "flat" properties given by the scatter function to try and get more speed for scatter for these cases. I know how to do it for the gnuplot backend but it needs some work.

Note that I can't seem to get the fltk backend to draw scatter plots correctly even though I believe the properties of the scatter plots are now correct.


Attachment: patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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