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Redirectable octave?

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Redirectable octave?
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 13:17:53 +0200


I'd like to know whether it would be hard to produce a redirectable octave?
By redirectable, I mean you could tell octave about the standard
input/output/error to use and octave would use it for any operations.
Currently, references to stdin/stdout/stderr and/or std::cin/std::coud/std::cerr
are present at various locations.

The reason I'm asking about this is because I'd like to embed octave as
an in-process engine, running in its own thread, with redirected standard IO.
I know I could theoretically achieve this by redefining std[in|out|err]
and dup2'ing STD[IN|OUT|ERR]_FILENO, but
1) you might not want to redirect standard IO for the whole process
2) this seems to be a problem in Win32 (I'm facing a deadlock when one
thread is reading from stdin (the octave thread) and another is usin shell32

The reason I'm trying to embed octave as in-process engine and not as
a separate process with redirected standard IO, is because it allows you to
integrate the graphical backend with the embedding app.


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