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Re: Stem update, rough guess.

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: Stem update, rough guess.
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 21:50:38 -0400

On  9-Apr-2007, Daniel J Sebald wrote:

| Well, that's kind of strange then.  The creation of the baseline can't be in
| stem.m using "line()" because the "set" of
| >   h = stem (-10:10);
| >   set (h, 'basevalue', 3);
| comes after the stem.m.  stem.m would have to pass a handle to set.m somehow 
| that would make no sense.

I don't understand what you mean.  The handle returned by stem is a
stemseries object that has both basevalue (default == 0) and baseline
(a line object with xdata set based on the data passed to stem and
ydata set to the value of basevalue).  If you change the basevalue
property, the baseline property is also changed.  This is not a unique
situation as there are other dependent properties.  For example,
changing xlim implies that xlimmode is changed to "manual".

| Of course, inside stem.m there can be a "set (h, 'basevalue', 0)" as default.
| Well, in any case the attached patch will add back in the baseline.  For the 
| same logic of allowing a baseline unadjustable for now, I've also made the 
| baseline unconditional rather than conditioning on, say,
|    if (find (y < 0) && find (y > 0))
| so that if the y range is expanded, the baseline will be visible.  For 
example, try
|   h = stem(0:10);
|   set(gca,"xlim",[-1 12]);
|   set(gca,"ylim",[-1 12]);
| after the patch.

OK, thanks.  I applied the patch.

Thanks also for sending the ChangeLog entry, though it is best if you
send that separately instead of as a diff because diffs for ChangeLog
entries rarely apply automaticlly (there are almost always intervening
changes that make the context invalid or the date needs to be changed,


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