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Re: packaging aesthetics

From: Søren Hauberg
Subject: Re: packaging aesthetics
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 17:57:38 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070103)

David Bateman skrev:
Ok, so if the goal is just to make the package installation of a bunch
of m-files easier, then keeping the existing package structure and
allowing a bunch of m-files package should be possible. The issue I see
is that we currently have two required files. The first is the
DESCRIPTION which is the packaging information and the second COPYING is
the license for the code. Do we relax that requirement? If so, how do we
get the required fields of DESCRIPTION (Name, Version, Date, Author,
Maintainer, Title, Description)?
Name (and possibly version) could come from the file name (e.g. image-1.0.0.tar.gz). The rest are mainly of interest in generating web pages, RPM packages , etc. So perhaps the DESCRIPTION file could just be required for packages in octave-forge?

The easiest, would be to allow a package with a bunch of m-files and a
COPYING and DESCRIPTION file. Is that compromise enough?
We could remove the need for the COPYING file. I would prefer if we could educate people on the need of licenses, but it's a though fight. Most of the matlab code on the web doesn't have a license, so if we don't require the COPYING file we would appeal to the matlab crowd.

I should note that I'm not a fan of not requiring DESCRIPTION and COPYING, but it would be possible.


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